Gerrit - Wyoming

Gerrit is 25 with a beautiful 3 year old daughter, Hadlee, and a wonderful 5 year old stepson, Hunter. He is an avid and very talented Hockey Player. He has always been strong and above all kind. He has a heart of gold. He is a wonderful father and son. He has a "baby brother" who loves him very much. They were always competitive in a fun way. He is sure missed by all his family.

  From Gerrit


From Family & Friends
I would like to say thank you for serving this country. I know that your friends and family are very proud. I know that I am and I dont know you.
Thank very very much.
Britt Rye

Hey Honey I just wanted to remind you of how much I LOVE YOU and how proud I am of YOU. You are my true HERO! I can't wait till you get to come home. I miss you so much. I LOVE YOU!!! xoxoxoxo




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